Thank you for helping us create a culture of health!

Summer is here! School may be out, but our work on your health and wellness isn’t on summer vacation!

First, we want to thank the South Baltimore Gateway Partnership, Cherry Hill Community, parents, students, and administrators for allowing us to introduce “Turn Your Health Inside Out” to the community for the 2018-2019 school year. Whether it was a health fair, workshop, Zumba, water challenge, bingo, or “Get Fit,” we grew closer to creating a culture of health! Despite this amazing progress, we still have a lot more work to do.

It is our mission at EndsideOut to help all communities understand the correlation between food, physical fitness, preventable disease, and academic achievement; and it all begins with the process of eating the right foods and knowing the “why.”

We are excited about the upcoming 2019-2020 school year and happy to announce our “Know Your Health!” campaign and the “H2O to GO” challenge (H2gO). We look forward to seeing you over the summer as we are offering workshops at Arundel Elementary School.

If you want to get involved in helping our community stay healthy, please contact us and we’ll provide you with options to get involved!

Thank you for allowing us to continue to create a culture of health!