
05 Apr: Spring Newsletter 2024

LOCAL SPRING EVENTS Here are some fun local events to check out this spring! April 6th: Opening Day at Camden Yards April-May: Sherwood Gardens Tulip Display 6am-7:30pm 4310 Underwood Rd, Baltimore May 6-7: Towson Spring Festival Chesapeake, Pennsylvania, Washington & Baltimore Avenues   RAINY DAY activities April showers bring May flowers, here are some fun things to do when the sun isn’t out! Play board games Read a book Bake a healthy treat Indoor swimming Make an indoor obstacle course Bowling Indoor Roller Blading Do a puzzle or crafts! SPRING RECIPES Strawberry Spinach Salad Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie Vietnamese Fresh Spring Rolls allergy season The sun shining and flowers blooming may look pretty, but can cause some symptoms! Look out for some of these symptoms this allergy season! Clear, watery eyes Itchy, clear runny nose Can last the whole season Difference from Flu/Covid Season Symptoms develop slower and are more…